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Malibu Healing Arts

Health Clubs & Wellness

Cheryl is the founder of Malibu Healing Arts, providing workshops, awareness training, personal coaching/life design, theta healing, and plant spirit medicine. Ultimately she provides Life Alchemy in whatever way is appropriate for your personal experience.

Cheryl offers a comfortable and safe space to explore, uncover, shift, and establish your life. Designed from a level of purpose that is consistent with your deepest values. A natural born healer and leader, her intuition and insights take you directly to the level your soul is calling for. With compassion, grace, humor, and lightness of being, you will be transformed into the best possible version of yourself.

What is unique about Cheryl is that she has created a life that embodies true business success, deep spirituality, fully expressed creativity through her music, challenges and fulfillment in marriage and parenthood, and service thru her healing arts and the charity she runs for children. This life experience makes her extremely well-versed in all aspects of life. And an expert at creating a life you love.

With the reputation in the business world for solving the most challenging problems and taking on what seems impossible, she brings her intellect, imagination, and vast experience to every encounter. Cheryl spent 14 years guiding all production, business affairs and music supervision globally for Apple’s ad agency, has been a coach for 19 years, and is an ordained shaman.