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Saddlerock Gardens Provides Unique Malibu Dining Experience


One of Malibu’s hottest ticket items, Malibu Wines, located on the beautiful Saddlerock Ranch, is ever expanding its unique attractions.  A few years ago they launched their Malibu Wine Safaris which grew to immense popularity before animal permitting issues caused its closure.  More recently, they launched their Malibu Wine Hikes where you can enjoy some locally sourced wine while hiking the beautiful property that is Saddlerock Ranch.  This past month they have expanded further by adding their newest attraction, Saddlerock Gardens.

Essentially, Saddlerock gardens is an outdoor dining experience where you will be served organic and sustainably sourced foods like produce, meats, and of course, wine.  The dinners are cooked over an outdoor open fire, and served in the onsite gardens amongst a beautiful community dining setting.

Saddlerock Gardens is much more than a dinner, however, and they market themselves as such.  They want to provide their guests with a unique experience where they have the opportunity to handpick their own produce they will be eating later in the evening.  They also want to make this a learning experience for their visitors by providing workshops in cooking and gardening in sustainable ways.  

They recently held their inaugural event and the menu they served went as followed:

Wine included

Saddlerock Ranch Braised Greens on toasted bread // smoked almonds - savory, lemon butter

Fire Roasted Hope Ranch Mussels // fennel - fingerling potatoes - meyer lemon

Smoked Saddlerock Ranch Carrots // fermented black beans - rapini pesto - sesame

Leg of Lamb cooked slowly over the fire // brussels sprouts - pistachio rice - chermoula

Heirloom Apple Tart // vanilla bean creme fraîche - candied walnuts



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saddlerock gardens tables

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saddlerock garden veggies

Saddlerock gardens

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Saddlerock Gardens Staff

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Malibu Family Wines

saddlerock gardens setup

saddlerock gardens food spread

saddlerock gardens firepit